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Union to seek urgent dispute hearing after injunction bid

The Federal Court has today refused a rail union bid to stop the retrenchment and redeployment of employees of Melbourne public transport operator Metro Trains, after the company gave an undertaking it wouldn't proceed while the RTBU seeks an expedited dispute hearing in the FWC.

Employer offers paid leave after miscarriages

New Zealand's new bereavement leave for miscarriages has inspired ASX-listed buy-now-pay-later provider Zip Co to go even further, offering Australian employees a fortnight's paid leave if they or their partner miscarry in the first 20 weeks.

High Court to consider special leave for CFMMEU, Qantas cases

The High Court will next month consider whether to extend special leave in two high-profile cases, the first in which the ABCC is seeking to have the CFMMEU's recidivism factored into penalty rulings and the other in which aviation unions are pursuing access to paid sick, carer's and compassionate leave for Qantas workers stood down due to the pandemic.

FWC canvasses employers on FDV policies; & more

FWC seeks to identify incidence of workplace FDV policies; Casual terms review timetable pushed back; and AiG calls for reduction in minimum pay delays for COVID-hit sectors.

Unions push for abandonment of super changes

Unions have urged the Morrison Government to dump the "Your Future, Your Super" legislation after reports the Coalition will allow a scheduled increase in employer super contributions from 9.5% to 10% to go ahead.

FWC accelerates review of domestic violence leave

The FWC has agreed to the ACTU's request to bring forward the three-year review of domestic violence leave terms in awards, scheduling a conference to start the process at the end of the month and a hearing late this year.

Cross-claim alleges misappropriation by chief executive

A company facing unpaid entitlements claims from its former chief executive and chief financial officer has lodged counterclaims seeking repayment of hundreds of thousands of dollars in alleged unauthorised expenses claims.

Court rejects bid to stymie Domino's class action

The Federal Court has today accused pizza chain Domino's of "exaggerating" its concerns about a major class action underpayments claim and has allowed it to proceed towards trial.