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Hospitals face rash of junior doctor class actions

Victoria's Alfred Health and St Vincent's Health have become the latest public hospital operators targeted by a swathe of class actions seeking six years of unpaid overtime on behalf of current and former junior doctors.

14-days paid FDV entitlement needed: Study

Just 20% of employers have told an FWC survey they offer paid family and domestic violence leave, while Monash University says "victim-survivor" research shows a minimum 14-days' paid leave is needed alongside "culturally-safe and trauma-informed" workplaces.

Submissions due in February for maternity leave review

The newly-announced review of the 1973 Maternity Leave Act provides an opportunity for the Federal Government to resume its role as a pacesetter, according to Sydney University's Professor Marian Baird.

McDonald's faces class action over allegedly unpaid breaks

McDonald's has been hit with a second Federal Court case over its alleged failure to provide paid rest breaks, with a RAFFWU-backed class action claiming thousands of past and present workers are potentially owed millions over the "systemic" issue.

IBM exec's redundancy challenge reveals $27K overpayment

A former IBM chief financial officer claiming she was underpaid $101,000 in redundancy entitlements based on transitional arrangements for "Telstra heritage employees" was in fact overpaid by $27,000, a court has held.

No redundancy cut for "assisting" job search: FWC

An employer has failed to persuade the FWC that "assisting" a worker in securing a job with the successful inheritor of a key contract was sufficient reason to reduce his redundancy payout.

Research aids ACTU bid for paid FDV leave

The ACTU's bid for 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave has been bolstered by new FWC-commissioned research indicating that a third of recent agreements have a paid entitlement and half of those deals provide at least the quantum the peak body is seeking.

Bank faces criminal charges over alleged LSL underpayments

The National Australia Bank is facing criminal charges that it failed to pay long service leave entitlements to casual employees in Victoria, as the State's wage theft watchdog continues its pursuit of big employers.

Pandemic used to "disguise" ex-wife's sacking: FWC

The FWC has ordered a chief executive to compensate his ex-wife $27,000 for unfairly sacking her from their start-up, finding he used the COVID-19 downturn to "disguise" her dismissal as a redundancy soon after they separated.

FWO falls short in contractor case

A court has thrown out an FWO underpayment case on behalf of four delivery drivers it argued were employees rather than independent contractors, the judge narrowly finding that all parties intended to operate at arm's length when originally formalising their relationship.