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FWC scratches glass maker's flawed deal

The FWC has rejected a glass manufacturer's claims that it accidentally halved rest breaks in a proposed deal, dismissing the employer's approval application because it failed to adequately explain it and other deficient clauses to the workers who voted for it.

15% not part of Government super agenda: Treasurer

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers says that Labor's "big agenda" on superannuation does not currently include lifting compulsory super contributions from 12% to 15%.

Make menopause a protected attribute: UK inquiry

A leading gender and IR expert says Australian policymakers should "pay attention" to a UK parliamentary inquiry's recommendation that the Johnson Government make menopause a protected characteristic under anti-discrimination laws and that employers implement more menopause-friendly policies.

Workers on $170K not "guaranteed" high income: Court

A major mining company should have paid untaken sick leave to 20 retrenched employees, the Federal Court has ruled, in a judgment closely examining how the Fair Work Act's high-income threshold applies to annualised salaries.

CBA withheld documents: Wage inspectors

The Victorian Government's wage inspectorate has charged two Commonwealth Bank subsidiaries with allegedly failing to pay more than $70,000 in long service leave entitlements to 20 former employees and failing to comply with a notice to produce documents.

Fast food giant slow to provide breaks: Class "mega" action

McDonald's told workers they could exchange rest breaks for a soft drink or going to the toilet, according to allegations set out in a new SDA "mega" case against the fast food giant that seeks $250 million in compensation from it and more than 300 franchisees.

Toll variation to open way for bottom-feeders: TWU

The TWU says a Toll Transport bid to amend the Road Transport and Distribution Award to "clarify" afternoon and night shift penalty provisions is a "shocking move" prompted by the union's allegations that it has been underpaying workers at one of its sites.

Variable TOIL excluded from cap calculations: FWC

The FWC has found that unpredictable time in lieu should not be counted when determining whether a worker is excluded from making an unfair dismissal claim because their remuneration exceeds the statutory threshold.

Super changes urgent to avert big impost: Labor

The Albanese Labor Government is rushing through legislation to close a loophole that could add billions of the dollars to the defined benefit superannuation entitlements of about 10,000 federal public sector employees who have been posted overseas over the past three decades.