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"Unacceptably exploitative" case referred to FWC GM

A FWC senior member has thrown out the unfair dismissal case of a Sri Lankan worker paid $300 a month as she did not meet the minimum employment period, but will refer it to the general manager for advice or to notify the authorities.

500% of award rates a bit rich: FWC bench

Employers have succeeded in varying an award clause a FWC full bench agrees could produce the "absurd" result of workers receiving five times the prescribed minimum rates.

FWC slams "dishonest" portrayal of meeting site

A FWC presidential member has taken exception to a HSU official's description of a clinical handover area as a meal room suitable for conducting meetings, dismissing it as a "self-serving label. . . border[ing] on dishonest".

Union fails to pull plug on bid for demark orders

The principal contractor on Australia's largest energy transmission project has been cleared to continue its pursuit of orders blocking the ETU's expansion into the renewable energy sector, as the union engages in alleged "guerrilla" tactics of disruption and delay.

Worker sacked for leaving his shift for five hours

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a supervisor for changing the ratio of carers for an NDIS participant without permission and leaving a colleague in an unsafe situation.

Employer "disingenuous" in reprising PABO objections

The FWC has found two types of proposed industrial action against an employer unlawful because they lack specificity, but has also labelled the company "disingenuous" for objecting to the original PABO, withdrawing its concerns and then re-ventilating them a month later.

Crypto manager's award claim lacks substance: FWC

The FWC has observed that an employer "is not a charity", in rejecting a claim from a former risk manager for an insolvent cryptocurrency trader that his award-covered role did not change despite successive $50,000 promotions over just 15 months.

Australia near lead of 15-year productivity race: FWC

Australia's labour productivity growth is close to the top of the league table for comparable advanced economies, trailing the leading US by a small margin over the past 15 years, according to a new FWC publication.

"Get the coffees" request not discriminatory: FWC

The FWC has backed a global company's HR processes after dismissing a senior employee's claim that she had no option but to resign when an investigation rejected her portrayal of a male colleague asking her to "get the coffees" during a client workshop as s-xual harassment.

Airport worker's emails to high fliers warrant extension: FWC

The FWC has extended time for a Swissport worker to pursue a four-minute late adverse action claim given the "significant steps" he took to dispute his sacking, including sending unanswered emails to the company's head of Asia Pacific operations, global chief people officer and head of global operations.