Institutions, tribunals, courts page 346 of 358

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RTBU calls off Melbourne train strike

The RTBU has called off a planned four-hour strike on Melbourne's passenger trains this Friday along with two "free travel" days this week, to allow for further negotiations starting this morning.

MUA and Hutchison in talks over midnight sackings

Hutchison and the MUA are today discussing a resolution of the ongoing dispute over the late night sacking of 97 Port Botany and Brisbane stevedoring workers via email and text message.

Entry permit breaches dominating FWBC actions

FWBC director Nigel Hadgkiss has confirmed that 21 of the 53 matters it currently has before the courts concern right of entry breaches, and the issue is at the centre of a further 19 investigations.

Teaching unions restructure

The NSW Teachers Federation has amalgamated its state and federal branches into a single entity, while the NSW/ACT Independent Education Union expects to officially become a subdivision of the IEUA by the beginning of next year.

Court ruling overturns Bechtel ban on protest attendance

A workplace ban on employees accessing leave to participate in a union-led rally on Monday has been overturned, on an interlocutory basis, by the Federal Circuit Court, after it accepted the ETU's argument that the move breached workers' general protections.

Unions plan national weekend door-knock on penalty rates

The ACTU is seeking to build opposition to cutting weekend penalty rates through a mass door-knock in marginal seats across Australia in mid-September, while employer associations are pushing crossbench senators to back the Government's bill to re-establish the ABCC.