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FIFO accommodation should provide "permanent private spaces": Report

A Queensland parliamentary inquiry into fly-in, fly-out arrangements recommends that proposed new minimum accommodation standards "advise against" motelling and hot-bedding arrangements and that the state discrimination statute outlaw job advertisements that exclude workers who live near projects with non-residential workforces.

Minister launches investigation into Lawler complaints

The Turnbull Government will appoint an independent investigator to inquire into complaints about the conduct of FWC Vice President Michael Lawler, Workplace Relations Minister Michaelia Cash announced this morning.

Pharmacy Award gets "plain language" redraft

The Fair Work Commission will engage an external "plain language expert" to redraft the Pharmacy Award before it is user-tested in a pilot as part of the tribunal's four-yearly review of modern awards.

FWC's Ross says PC has misunderstood tribunal's role

The Fair Work Commission has hit back at Productivity Commission criticism, with its President, Iain Ross, saying that the PC's IR inquiry findings appear to reflect a "misunderstanding of [the] Commission's statutory role and functions".

Law peak body bags PC proposal to change FWC appointments

Lawyers have told the Productivity Commission that its proposals to end tenure for new FWC appointees and to subject members to performance reviews would undermine the umpire's independence, while raising concern about a suggestion that only non-lawyers should determine matters in the proposed minimum standards division.

Full court backs disability payments

A full bench of the federal court has confirmed that terms in modern awards that provide allowances for hardships experienced by employees working in certain remote locations are not extinguished by the Fair Work Act.

Employers would seek offsets for portable long service scheme

Employers have warned a Victorian parliamentary inquiry that they will seek to reduce wages, benefits or hours if a new state-wide portable long service leave scheme is implemented, while unions have provided detailed outlines of model schemes.