Institutions, tribunals, courts page 340 of 359

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Dragline not the right place for discussions, says FWC

The CFMEU is considering whether to appeal after it was refused permission to hold talks in a BHP Coal mine's dragline crib rooms because it was a "functional work area", rather than a meal or break area.

Train driver sacked for safety breaches gets job back

Pacific National has been ordered to reinstate a train driver, after the FWC uncovered flaws in its investigation before it sacked him for speeding and leaving his co-driver behind while she took a trackside toilet break.

Unfair dismissal round-up: Morning sickness justifies extending time; and more

Morning sickness justifies extending time; Legal representation granted in drug test dismissal case; Constructive dismissal by phone justified after vehicle log book failure; Refusal to accept a large settlement not unreasonable, says FWC; and "Informal chat" insufficient consultation for horse trainer redundancy.

Cash lifts public sector wage cap to 2%

The federal government is seeking to break a bargaining impasse in the federal public sector by increasing its wages cap to 2% a year.

Labor backs ChAFTA after securing amendments

Federal Labor says it is ready to support the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement after securing "legally binding safeguards" requiring labour market testing, use of enterprise agreements as a reference point for 457 visa workers' salaries and a 90-day deadline on obtaining occupational or trades licences.

FWC's Lawler covertly recorded conversations with president

FWC Vice President Michael Lawler has used a secretly-recorded phone conversation with tribunal president Iain Ross to challenge his claim that he never said the besieged member had an unlimited entitlement to sick leave.

Lingerie store breaches adverse action laws

A lingerie store manager allegedly labelled a "sl-t" after refusing the s-xual advances of a director at a work function was exposed to unlawful adverse action when the company refused to re-employ her, the Federal Circuit Court has found.