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Crossbenchers yet to be convinced to support IR bills

The Turnbull Government's threat of a double dissolution election is yet to convince crucial Senate crossbenchers to pass the ABCC and registered organisations bills next month.

Turnbull bringing on IR bill votes next month

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is recalling both houses of parliament for a crunch vote on the bills to re-establish the ABCC and set up the Registered Organisations Commission, which is expected to pave the way for a double dissolution election.

Drunk GM's $300,000 damages payout slashed

The general manager of a leading insurance brokerage sacked for his drunken conduct has had his $300,000 wrongful termination damages payout discounted by 70%, after the NSW Supreme Court of Appeal upheld the employer's appeal.

ABCC Bill to be debated in Budget sitting: Cash

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash says that legislation to re-establish the ABCC will return to the Senate at the earliest opportunity during the May Budget sitting.

Lawler's conduct "undignified", far below expectations: Heerey

Former Fair Work Commission Vice-President Michael Lawler's conduct on the ABC's Four Corners program was "far below" what the public was entitled to expect from somebody in his position, according to the silk who investigated his conduct.

Bank managers "got what they bargained for": Court

A full Federal Court has rebuffed a group of St George Bank managers who claimed the employer engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct when it retrenched them after promising they would receive retention bonuses if they stayed in their jobs during a merger with Westpac.

Lawler's conduct grounds for his removal: Heerey

The conduct of former senior Fair Work Commission member Michael Lawler provides a reasonable basis to ask the Governor-General to remove him on the grounds of proven misbehaviour, according to a report tabled in Federal Parliament.

"Thuggery": $60,000 penalty for "blatant single breach"

The Federal Circuit Court has imposed almost $60,000 in penalties for a "blatant single breach" of the Fair Work Act in which a CFMEU official discarded workers' food from a lunch shed, padlocked the door and said the facility was for union members only.