Institutions, tribunals, courts page 330 of 359

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Government promises to review "backpacker tax"

Returned Turnbull Government would review "backpacker tax"; $23,500 fine for hairdressing salon that failed to comply with $3500 underpayments rectification order.

FWBC expands its role

The Turnbull Government granted FWBC director Nigel Hadgkiss new powers soon before calling the federal election, in a bid to stop builders and contractors agreeing to "union-friendly" clauses in enterprise agreements.

Farewell sitting for retiring WA tribunal leader; & more

Farewell sitting for WA tribunal's chief commissioner; Tribunal to live-stream final minimum wage consultations; Small Business Ombudsman to weigh "lasting impact" of road safety remuneration order; and FWC backs dismissal of bulldozer operator over safety breaches.

Catholic employers and union re-commit to FWC's New Approaches program

The Queensland Catholic Education Commission and the IEU have agreed to continue negotiations for teaching and support staff agreements via the FWC's New Approaches interest-based dispute resolution process, after the employers last month withdrew from the process on the basis that it was "another delaying tactic".

FWC seeking to give "plain language" treatment to more awards

The FWC has released a report on its plain English transformation of the pharmacy award and issued guidelines for plain English drafting, before it gives similar treatment to the clerks, retail, hospitality and restaurant awards.