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Weekend penalty rates decision imminent: ACCI

The Fair Work Commission's much-anticipated ruling on weekend penalty rates is likely to be brought down in September, according to Australia's biggest employer group.

Union slams enforceable undertaking as "no deterrent"

The ETU has expressed outrage at an FWO enforceable undertaking requiring a company to donate $50,000 to a migrant community charity and overhaul its recruitment practices after workers from the Philippines were threatened with dismissal if they joined a union.

CFMEU entry breaches attract $132,000 fine

The CFMEU and five of its officials have been fined $132,000 for "disrespectful" right of entry contraventions at three construction sites in Adelaide in 2014.

FWC clarifies union officials' right of entry

Right of entry permit holders can't hold discussions with employees in the workplace before or after work because it creates "uncertainty" around employee and employers' rights and obligations and increased the likelihood of disputes, the FWC has found.

Worker loses job after bid to expose "biased" selection process

A public servant who unsuccessfully argued his employer took adverse action against him when it failed to promote him has had his unfair dismissal claim rejected after allegations emerged that he submitted a "dummy" job application to bolster his claims.

$60,000 fine for pay-docking protest

The Federal Court has imposed a $61,000 fine on the CFMEU, senior official Joe McDonald and workers at a Perth construction site after a walkout to protest being docked four hours' pay for starting work less than 30 minutes late after a union meeting.

$53,000 penalty for CFMEU's "conspicuous" civil disobedience

A court has today fined the CFMEU's construction and general division and three organisers more than $50,000 for their "conspicuous public display of civil disobedience" when they orchestrated an unlawful walk out at a $105 million development project in support of a sacked delegate.

Worker sacked for racist, crude, lewd, s-xist remarks wins job back

A truck driver at a coal mine overheard on a two-way radio saying his colleague would "like a good teabagging" and that Muslims were "f--ked up" because of "years of inbreeding" has won his job back after the FWC ruled his dismissal was harsh.