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Ruling highlights boundary for assistance to unrepresented parties

An FWC full bench has expressed "grave reservations" about a member's assessment of compensation for a dismissed worker, in a case that illustrates the limits to the assistance the tribunal can extend to self-represented litigants.

Extending representative orders to future picketers a step too far

The Victorian Supreme Court took the "serious step" of imposing a representative order on individuals involved in an unlawful blockade at a Geelong oil refinery early this month, but extending it to encompass future participants would go beyond the terms of any previous such order, according to the judge in the case.

Coalition should have conducted more active IR campaign: Abetz

The Coalition should have sought a "more extensive mandate" on IR and run a more active campaign on the subject during the last election, rather than supplementing the ABCC and ROC bills with a "last minute minor change on CFA volunteers", according to Abbott Government Employment Minister Eric Abetz.

Full court provides guidance on assistance to unrepresented parties

In a decision that canvasses how much assistance the FWC should provide to unrepresented parties, a full Federal Court has found an employer was not denied procedural fairness when the FWC dismissed an appeal notice that was more "diatribe" than pleading and didn't tell the employer to fix it.

CFO's restraint clause too broad: Court

Restraint of trade clauses preventing a chief financial officer from jumping ship and working at a rival fashion retailer were broader than what was reasonable to protect the employer's legitimate interests, a court has found.

DIBP seeks to head off workplace determination by FWC

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection will put a new offer to its employees in the wake of the Fair Work Commission's decision to terminate industrial action at airports across the country and move towards arbitration of a new agreement.

New deal boosts leave entitlements throughout Qantas

Qantas will provide 10 days domestic and family violence leave and two extra weeks of parental leave to all of its 30,000 employees later this year, after it struck an enterprise deal with the ASU that guarantees the entitlements for more than 4,000 employees.