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"Intimidating" judge undermined adverse action claim: Bench

A self-represented adverse action applicant will be able to submit an amended statement of claim following a full Federal Court finding that he was last year denied a fair hearing by an "aggressive, rude and overbearing" judge.

Union calls on government to intervene in Deliveroo case

The TWU is calling for Federal Government intervention as it prepares to appoint a legal team to represent a non-member Deliveroo rider who launched a sham contracting test case claiming he should have been paid as a casual, rather than per delivery as an independent contractor.

Court backs "lawful coercion" in Vegemite jar maker battle

The Federal Court has restrained the manufacturer of Vegemite jars and CUB beer bottles from deploying its managers to perform the work of striking maintenance workers while it determines union claims that the strategy constitutes adverse action and a breach of its agreement.

Court declines to intervene in Setka's Labor expulsion

The Victorian Supreme Court has refused to intervene in the federal ALP's efforts to oust CFMMEU construction and general division Victorian branch secretary John Setka from the party, finding the process is subject to the state party's rules.

Arthritic bank teller, 68, doesn't have to move branches: Bench

The ANZ Bank has failed to overturn a decision blocking it from relocating an arthritic 68-year-old teller to a more distant branch, an FWC full bench finding that the issues raised were too narrow to enliven the public interest.

Bench rejects employer's bid to review strike suspension powers

A large employer has failed in its bid to have the FWC revisit what constitutes "significant harm" to third parties when considering halting protected industrial action, a full bench finding that the application lacked utility as the strikes concerned had long since ended.

Court rejects $120K overtime claim based on "merged" jobs

A council employee who worked back-to-back shifts alternating as a fitness instructor and customer service officer at a health centre has failed to establish an overtime claim based on cumulative hours when both jobs "merged".