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Majority rejects restrictive take on general protections laws

A Federal Court full court majority has given a broad meaning to a section in the Fair Work Act's general protections that says employees must be "able to complain" to establish a breach of their workplace rights.

FWC endorses pre-vote emailing of agreement documents

In a case confirming that emailing agreement and award documents and links to workers before they vote for a deal can meet pre-approval requirements, a senior FWC member has also outlined why he prefers to deal with non-party concerns early in the process.

We did answer the question: Ross to fellow judges

An FWC bench led by Justice Iain Ross has shot back at a full Federal Court direction to properly answer a question posed by the president himself, maintaining it had already done so before highlighting the relevant passages.

Sacked after taking domestic violence leave, worker claims

A former Melbourne Water advisor is accusing the utility of forcing him to take domestic violence leave and failing to provide a promised permanent job after he disclosed that he was experiencing family violence.

"Emboldened" CFMMEU deserves no penalty discounts: Judge

A judge has today accepted the ABCC's view that the construction union's lengthy rap sheet should influence the penalty for a relatively minor breach, but has declined to impose a personal payment order on the official involved.

Added NERR wording coloured agreement process: FWC

The FWC has rejected a massage therapists' deal on the basis that extra wording in a preamble and at the end of the representational rights notice might have affected employees' interpretation and detracted from key messages.

Appointments looming for FWC expert panel

The Morrison Government is expected to soon make long-delayed appointments to the FWC's expert panel, ahead of the annual wage review picking up steam.

Full court carpets Ross over "no decision at all"

A full Federal Court has delivered a pointed rebuke to FWC President Iain Ross, finding it could not consider a challenge to the decision of a Commission full bench he led because it was not, "with respect, any decision. . . at all".

Opposition unimpressed by NSW IRC appointment

The NSW Opposition has refused to welcome the promotion of Nichola Constant to the chief commissioner's role at the State IRC, saying the Berejiklian Government has missed a chance to appoint an outstanding candidate with strong IR credentials.