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IR advisor to wear costs for "reckless" oversights

The FWC has made a rare costs order against an IR advisor, after Unfair Dismissals Australia's "reckless" failure to provide an employer with supplementary witness statements forced hearings into an unscheduled fourth day.

Push-back over proposed COVID-19 award changes

RAFFWU is moving quickly to object to expedited employer-proposed, ACTU-supported COVID-19 variations to the Fast Food Award, applying to businesses not qualifying for the JobKeeper scheme and workers who fall through the cracks.

Multinational faces fine for unpaid allowance

A multinational's trouble-plagued deal for a major LNG project has again come back to bite it, with the Federal Court finding its arguments about unpaid allowances created "confusion" rather than clarity.

Union decries approval of small cohort mining deal

The FWC has approved a coal mining deal first suspected to be "bordering on a sham" due to calculated steps to employ four "clean skin" and two "friendly" probationary workers to negotiate it in near-record time.

Orchestra opens books to keep faith in pandemic deal

Musicians and administrative employees at one of Australia's largest performing arts companies have been offered regular access to confidential financial reports as part of an agreement to cut wages and hours to the end of next year in response to COVID-19.

UK minimum hits 60% of median on Tories' watch

As some employers suggest that FWC's minimum wage panel might need to freeze or cut minimum pay due to the coronavirus crisis, the UK has lifted its wage floor to 60% of the median.

Paramedic's "debasing" comments at hanging justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a paramedic accused of prematurely ending the resuscitation of a teenager who hanged himself, finding she lied to an investigator about her reasons for doing so and made "debasing" statements.

Disability workers seek $5-an-hour pandemic allowance

Three unions and an employer group have applied to introduce a temporary hourly allowance of almost $5 an hour for disability workers to compensate the sector's low-paid workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

JobKeeper disputes piling up in tribunal

The FWC has published a JobKeeper disputes benchbook as it clocks 120 applications to deal with disputes under the scheme, while a union-run 'Jobscammer' website recorded more than 250 responses in its first week.