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JobKeeper legislation reveals new onus on employers

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme will require employers to consider whether reductions in working hours have an unfair impact on some employees compared to others subject to the same directions.

Court upholds young doctor's sacking for breaching boundaries

While acknowledging the potentially "considerable" impact on a probationary doctor's career, the Federal Court has on appeal rejected that her bullying complaints were the real reason for her sacking, rather than her breach of professional boundaries and directions on confidentiality.

Woolies buckles on pay increases

Woolworths has agreed to pay more than 100,000 workers delayed increases contained in four of the group's agreements, after the SDA agreed to withdraw legal proceedings commenced this week.

Political bias claim sustains shaky unlawful sacking case

The FWC has over a university's jurisdictional objections allowed a professional officer's largely "incompetent" unlawful dismissal claim to proceed, inviting him to re-submit an application confined to alleged discrimination on the basis of political opinion.

Labor swings behind JobKeeper 2.0

The Federal Labor caucus yesterday agreed to pass the Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy from late September to March 2021, even if its amendments are not accepted.

Compensation for manager "restructured" out of job

An employer that restructured a senior manager out of his job and did not consider him for a new role because its director considered him an underperformer must pay him almost $18,000, the FWC finding it was not a genuine redundancy.

FWC rejects "presumptuous" employer's bid to knock out claim

The FWC has slammed a "presumptuous" employer for taking up its time with a baseless late bid to have the tribunal throw out the unfair dismissal claim of a casual boxing trainer seeking compensation at the JobKeeper rate.

JobKeeper 2.0 to rein in flexibility for robust employers

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy scales back on the Coalition push to give employers workplace flexibility even if they no longer receive the wage subsidy.

No adjournment for sacked worker juggling criminal appeal

The FWC has declined to adjourn an unfair dismissal case despite a former Victoria Police employee's concerns he is constrained after exercising his right to silence in a criminal case largely reliant on the same set of contested facts.

Academic fairly sacked after indulging in "game of semantics"

Upholding the dismissal of an academic who deliberately stymied all attempts to establish her fitness to return to work, the FWC has found she treated the process like a "game of semantics" through which she could wear her employer down.