Institutions, tribunals, courts page 154 of 358

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McDonald's operator threatened workers on Facebook: Court

In a decision highlighting the perils of using Facebook as a managerial tool, the Federal Court has found a major McDonald's operator posted threatening, coercive messages that misrepresented workers' rights to water, toilet breaks and sick leave.

FWC moves to accommodate new WFH reality

The FWC has taken the initiative of releasing a draft award schedule addressing working-from-home arrangements, describing it as conversation-starter that recognises the need to adapt to COVID-19 realities.

Unamended JobKeeper 2.0 set for passage through Senate

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy is set to be passed by the Senate after Labor and the Greens failed to win support for amendments late last night.

Employer's proposed new roles don't need union approval: FWC

The RTBU says it will appeal an FWC finding that its deal does not require NSW Trains to reach in-principle agreement on the introduction of new driver and guard roles for its replacement intercity rail fleet.

Bench rejects orders sought by investigator escorted from building

The head of a government agency's investigations unit has failed to halt an investigation into her own behaviour, an FWC full bench finding the tribunal required more evidence of alleged bullying before it could issue such orders.

We're not responsible for HR consultant's errors: Company

A marine services company has failed to convince the FWC that it would be unfair to hold it accountable for the errors of an HR consultant by making it pay redundancy entitlements to a manager it offered to redeploy after a business transfer.

Labor still urging changes to JobKeeper 2.0

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy was introduced into the Senate today, where it is expected to be debated and possibly go to a final vote on Monday.

Cultural differences a poor excuse for exploitation: Judge

A federal court judge has in fining an underpaying juice shop operator almost $35,000 flatly rejected "cultur[al] differences" as a mitigating factor, lamenting instead the frequency with which ethnically diverse employers exploit their own communities.