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"Buyer's remorse" can't undo settlements: FWC

An employee claiming he was misled into accepting a settlement while suffering PTSD has unsuccessfully sought to back out of it, the FWC holding "buyer's remorse" is no reason to undo a properly made deal.

Government slots two new members into NSW IRC

The NSW IRC appears set to boost its full-time membership to six following the appointment of two new commissioners, one a former union official and the other currently heading up a poker machine lobby group.

Victorian Budget puts wage theft on "fast track"

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government has allocated $9.6 million to develop a new "fast track model" for hearing wage theft cases in the State's Magistrates' Court.

HR consultancies spark re-think on WFH flexibilities

Requests by two HR consultancies to extend coronavirus-driven award variations providing more flexibility to work from home have prompted the FWC to expand the window for submissions on its provisional view that the measures should be wound up.

Don't expect the union to pay your fines any more, warns court

The ABCC has been handed a giant sledgehammer in its running battle with the CFMMEU after a Federal Court judge found that he did not need the construction industry watchdog to request personal payment orders before making union members pay fines out of their own pockets.

IBM case to test "common" misclassification of IT workers

Professionals Australia is running a test case on behalf of a software engineer who is suing IBM for more than $100,000 in leave entitlements he claims to be owed due to a decade's misclassification as a contractor before being engaged on a permanent full-time basis in 2010.

Employers fret over teacher pay review after Budget brush-off

Early childhood employers have told a FWC full bench that foreshadowed work value increases to teachers' award rates will impose a "significant financial impost" given the Morrison Government did not commit funding for it in this month's Budget.

Challenge to retrospective law on casuals "still in development"

The law firm behind multiple class actions alleging the misclassification of casuals says it still expects to mount a High Court challenge to the Morrison Government's retrospective legislative changes that shave potential windfalls from multi-million dollar entitlement claims.

If not you, then who?, ACTU asks minimum wage panel

The ACTU's latest submission to the FWC's minimum wage panel has seized on Federal Budget forecasts that wage growth will lag behind inflation until 2024-25, arguing it is a "mystery" who else has the power to influence that trajectory.