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Company car removal after 'roo strike a dismissal: FWC

In a decision exploring when employers can be said to have repudiated employment contracts, the FWC has ruled that a multinational dismissed a worker when it "unilaterally" withdrew his company car without compensation following a collision with a kangaroo.

IR experience not essential for FWC members: Cash

IR Minister Michaelia Cash has defended the appointment of former federal Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella to the FWC, maintaining that experience in employment law or IR is "not necessarily" a requirement.

ClubsNSW wins access to "whistleblower's" cache

In a breakthrough in its legal stoush with a "whistleblowing" former anti-money laundering compliance auditor, ClubsNSW has won the right to use documents he was made to produce in a confidentiality case to fight his sham contracting and workers comp claims.

Union snubbed as deal sails through

In the latest instalment in what stands as one of the Fair Work Act's pricklier provisions, a senior FWC member has refused CFMMEU efforts to intercede in his consideration of a non-union agreement.

Aviation unions seek leave to appeal Qantas JobKeeper ruling

Aviation unions will this month ask the High Court to hear an appeal against Qantas's use of JobKeeper payments, on the same day that the ABCC will seek leave to challenge a full Federal Court finding on the nature of "industrial activity".

"We stab people in the front, not the back": Sacked lawyer's claim

The managing director of an ASX-listed wealth management company allegedly directed his gaze to a whistleblowing employee during a staff meeting and said that "we stab [people] in the front", not the back, according to an adverse action claim filed in the Federal Court.

High Court to hear traumatised lawyer's case

The High Court has granted a lawyer leave to appeal a finding that her State government employer did not breach its duty of care in managing her reaction to preparing a large volume of child s-xual offence cases.