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Union had right to be heard on non-union deal: Bench

An FWC full bench has clarified when non-bargaining representatives opposing agreement approvals have a right to be heard, clearing the way for the CFMMEU to test whether a wrongly-declared representative is incapable of being covered by a deal.

Unions urge PM to deliver economy-boosting wages "kickstart"

ACTU leader Sally McManus has written to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, asking him to implement a three-point plan that would lift aggregate annual wage growth from the current level of about 2.3% to about 3.5%.

PM pushes for collaborative workplaces

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will ask IR Minister Christian Porter to review the IR system with a view to expunging barriers to "shared gains" for employers and employees, while he has also reiterated the Government's commitment to reintroducing the "ensuring integrity" legislation to target "thugs in militant unions".

Adverse action claim targets Qantas bonus scheme

The ACTU, acting on behalf of seven aviation unions, will today file an adverse action case against Qantas for making the payment of a cash bonus of up to $2,000 contingent on securing new post-wage-freeze enterprise agreements. 

Commission took proper account of reduced bargaining power: Full court

An FWC member gave due recognition to the reduction of employees' bargaining power that would flow from him acceding to a DP World bid to extend notice for CFMMEU industrial action from three to five days, according to reasons issued by a full Federal Court today.

Construction union's unity shattered after deputy resigns

The CFMMEU construction and general division's pledge overnight of its "full support" for embattled Victorian branch secretary John Setka has been undercut by the resignation today of his deputy, Shaun Reardon, due to "irreconcilable differences" with his boss.

Setka blue sparks demark battle

The leadership of the CFMMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch has pledged to "no longer recognise traditional long-held membership coverage and demarcation lines" with unions that have called for the resignation of John Setka.

Pilots' union makes new bid to expand turf

The Australian Federation of Air Pilots has revived an application to expand its rules to allow it to retain members who move to Qantas mainline, after the FWC a year ago rejected it because of a technical error.

Delegates call for CFMMEU leaders to back Setka

Delegates from the CFMMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch have endorsed the leadership of John Setka and called for the union's national secretaries to make a public statement in support of him.

Setka defying calls to stand down

Embattled CFMMEU construction and general division Victorian branch secretary John Setka has vowed to remain in his position even if he is found guilty of criminal charges this month.