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Give FWC anti-harassment powers: AHRC report

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins in her report of the national inquiry into sexual harassment has recommended the FWC gain new powers to issue orders to halt the conduct, similar to its ability to make anti-bullying orders.

Permit renewal not "reward" for abiding by laws: FWC

A senior FWC member has rebutted ABCC arguments that entry permit holders should not be "rewarded" for exercising their rights without incident, observing in the course of a renewal application that such behaviour simply be accorded "appropriate weight" when applying the 'fit and proper person' test.

Divisional "poaching" within the rules, court hears

The CFMMEU's construction and general division Victorian branch was acting within the union rules when it recruited members from the union's manufacturing division, the Federal Court heard yesterday

Unions' vegetarian meals-only claim genuine bargaining: FWC

Sodexo's circuitous journey to a new offshore deal has taken another turn after the FWC gave unions the go-ahead to conduct a strike ballot despite arguments that a claim for workers to be provided only vegetarian meals showed they were not bargaining genuinely.

Short hiatus for CFMMEU "poaching" case

The Federal Court trial of allegations that the CFMMEU's construction and general division Victorian branch has been "poaching" members from elsewhere within the union has been delayed by consent.

MUA operating on our turf, says ABCC

The ABCC, in opposing entry permits for CFMMEU maritime division leaders, is relying on the view that they fall within its jurisdiction because they are officials of a "building association".

"Undermined" members contributing to union's crisis: Paper

The AMWU's failure to reverse falling membership despite a succession of growth strategies highlights the limitations of "organising" to counter external threats, according to research suggesting members can themselves become a barrier to renewal.

Stevedore was weighing no-automation terms, claims union

The MUA has hit back against DP World Australia's bid to outlaw industrial action at its container ports, claiming the stevedore agreed to consider signing a deed preventing automation and outsourcing provided it had an end date.

Private sector pay rises ease again

Bargained wage rises in the private sector dropped to 2.7% a year in the September quarter, according to newly-released Attorney-General's Department data that also shows some large retail employers are starting to tie increases to the FWC's annual review.

CFMMEU appeal erases publication order, but little else

A full Federal Court has largely dismissed the CFMMEU's broad-ranging appeal against more than $300,000 in fines imposed for attempting to force a contractor into signing a union-approved deal, agreeing only that publication orders served no purpose and that too much was made of an "eenie meenie miney mo!" text message.