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Heydon should probe all slush funds: ACTU

The ACTU has called for the Heydon Royal Commission to investigate all political slush funds, after the revelations of NSW Liberal Party donations that have emerged from the state's Independent Commission Against Corruption.

ALP members won't need to join a union: Shorten

Federal Opposition leader Bill Shorten has today confirmed that he has asked ALP national secretary George Wright to work with Labor's national executive to remove union membership as a prerequisite for party membership.

Inquiry not about crushing unions: Royal Commissioner

Former High Court judge Dyson Heydon has told the first sitting of the Coalition Government's royal commission into unions he is heading that its terms of reference are "not hostile to trade unions", while outlining the heavy criminal sanctions that apply to those who breach its rules.

Victorians dominate FWBC blacklist of no-permit officials

The FWBC has included state leaders of the CFMEU and CEPU in a list it has issued today of 18 construction union officials who don't hold federal entry permits, in a bid to help the industry's employers repel unauthorised workplace visits.

ACTU seeks ban on royal commission leaks

The ACTU has fired the first shot in the royal commission into union corruption, finance and governance by telling the inquiry chief Dyson Heydon that it wants a ban on selective leaking of evidence to the media before hearings.

Williamson jailed for HSU fraud

Former HSU East secretary Michael Williamson will spend a minimum of five years behind bars after being sentenced today for defrauding the union of nearly $1 million.

Tracey loses battle to renew permit

MUA WA branch assistant secretary Will Tracey has lost his challenge to the Fair Work Commission's decision last year to refuse him a federal entry permit because he didn't meet the "fit and proper person" test.

Tarrant, Crosby stepping down from United Voice leadership

One of the largest left-wing unions, United Voice, faces a major shake-up after national secretary Louise Tarrant and national president Michael Crosby flagged they won't stand for re-election later this year.