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Royal Commission to grill HSU next week

The Heydon Royal Commission will next week begin public hearings into the HSU, which will include taking evidence from union leader Kathy Jackson.

Gillard told me Wilson paying for renovations: Builder

Future Prime Minister Julia Gillard told a Melbourne builder in 1993 that AWU leader and her then boyfriend Bruce Wilson was paying for her home renovations, the Heydon Royal Commission has heard.

FWC's Cambridge to be Royal Commission witness

Fair Work Commission member Ian Cambridge, a former national secretary of the AWU, will appear this week before the Heydon Royal Commission, which will resume its hearings into the union’s Workplace Reform Association "slush fund".

Union density and membership plummet: ABS

Unions lost almost 93,000 members in the 12 months to August last year and density plunged to new lows of 17% overall and 12% in the private sector, according to the ABS.

FWC rules CFMEU record not a factor in entry permit bid

The Fair Work Commission has granted an entry permit to a CFMEU construction and general division organiser, rejecting the FWBC's argument that it was obliged to give weight to the union's poor record of compliance with industrial laws.

Former royal commissioner Gyles calls for CFMEU's deregistration

There is no reason why proceedings shouldn't be launched to deregister the CFMEU's construction and general division, according to former Royal Commissioner Roger Gyles, who says NSW's Greiner-Fahey Government should have taken up his recommendation to eradicate one of its former predecessors, the NSW BWIU.