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TWU influences flight attendants and health union elections

The Heydon Royal Commission has heard that a campaign fund associated with the TWU's national office and NSW branch contributed up to $200,000 to a group who ousted the leadership of the Queensland branch in 2010, and a further $120,000 to HSU and Flight Attendants Association election candidates two years later.

TWU fund used in ETU, HSU elections, Heydon hears

TWU Vic/Tas branch secretary Wayne Mader has told the Heydon Royal Commission today that officials from his branch made donations to candidates in HSU and ETU elections out of their own re-election fund.

Royal Commission shops further afield

The Heydon Royal Commission has sprung a surprise by calling hearings that will examine activities involving Australia's biggest union, the SDA.

Right of entry permits renewed despite transgressions

The Fair Work Commission has granted right of entry permits to a union branch secretary who initially failed to disclose that his previous one had been suspended for three months after an altercation with a union member, and to an organiser who visited 90 sites after his last permit expired.

HSU seeking Williamson evidence against Mylan

The NSW Supreme Court has refused for now to issue jailed former HSU NSW leader Michael Williamson a certificate protecting him from self-incrimination in the union's proceedings against the branch's former assistant secretary, Peter Mylan.

Unions to use bargaining to reverse Budget pain

The ACTU has produced a “bargaining toolkit” to help unions to pursue claims to offset Federal Budget measures, including the $7 GP co-payment, a freeze on child care rebates and the re-indexation of fuel excise.