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Unions take battle against NSW Government to ILO

With legal avenues exhausted in their battles with the NSW government over public sector wages, superannuation and redundancy, unions have today lodged a complaint with the ILO and requested a formal investigation into the state's bargaining laws.

Lyons drops challenge to Oliver

ACTU assistant secretary Tim Lyons has dropped his challenge to Dave Oliver for leadership of Australia's peak union body.

Bench quashes CFMEU entry permit suspensions

A FWC full bench has overturned the suspension of 12 CFMEU officials' entry permits, finding that the original sanctions were not linked to the resolution of an ongoing right of entry dispute but appeared to be punishment for past bad behaviour.

AiG calls on government to bolster bargaining bill after Esso ruling

The AiG says that the Abbott Government should amend the Fair Work Act to prevent unions from taking industrial action when they are bargaining for "non-permitted" matters, in the wake of a FWC full bench decision on the issue this week.

Thomson's escort allegations to be re-aired in civil case

Fair Work Commission general manager Bernadette O'Neill has today asked the Federal Court to "re-enliven" parts of her civil proceedings against former HSU national secretary, Craig Thomson.

Manufacturing demarcation fight heads to full bench

A demarcation dispute over coverage of employees at high-end medical equipment manufacturer ResMed Limited will be heard by a FWC full bench, with the AWU and the company opposing the AMWU's bid to extend its eligibility rules.

Lyons breaks silence on leadership tilt

Confirming this afternoon that he will run against ACTU secretary Dave Oliver at the peak body's May Congress, assistant secretary Tim Lyons said that unions needed to stop defining themselves by what they opposed and become the champion of the nation's working people.

Asmar challenge to entry permit inquiry fails

The Federal Court has thrown out a challenge by Victorian HSU leaders to the Fair Work Commission's inquiry into allegations that the union rorted the right of entry permit system.