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Dragline not the right place for discussions, says FWC

The CFMEU is considering whether to appeal after it was refused permission to hold talks in a BHP Coal mine's dragline crib rooms because it was a "functional work area", rather than a meal or break area.

Stabbing "victim" accused of lying to inquiry

A witness who claimed to have been stabbed last year as retribution for speaking out on television against the Victorian CFMEU was lying, the Heydon Royal Commission has been told.

FAAA's reunification ready for takeoff

The Flight Attendants' Association has moved a step closer to re-uniting its two divisions, despite the continued opposition of some disaffected long-haul members.

Unfair dismissal round-up: Morning sickness justifies extending time; and more

Morning sickness justifies extending time; Legal representation granted in drug test dismissal case; Constructive dismissal by phone justified after vehicle log book failure; Refusal to accept a large settlement not unreasonable, says FWC; and "Informal chat" insufficient consultation for horse trainer redundancy.

CFMEU and TCFU preparing to merge

The CFMEU and TCFU have confirmed they are well advanced in merger talks, as unions consolidate to meet structural changes in the Australian economy and to maintain critical mass.