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Court orders Hutchison to stay dismissals

The Federal Court has this evening granted an interlocutory order sought by the MUA to stop stevedore Hutchison Ports from proceeding with plans to dismiss almost 100 employees at its Sydney and Brisbane container terminals.

Hutchison's consultation inadequate, MUA claims

The MUA told an interlocutory hearing in Brisbane today that stevedore Hutchison should reinstate 97 workers from its Port Botany and Brisbane container terminals, because the company had breached its agreement when it engaged in tokenistic rather than substantive consultation with its workforce.

Unions plan national weekend door-knock on penalty rates

The ACTU is seeking to build opposition to cutting weekend penalty rates through a mass door-knock in marginal seats across Australia in mid-September, while employer associations are pushing crossbench senators to back the Government's bill to re-establish the ABCC.

Big penalty against MUA for "scab" posters

Five waterfront workers have been awarded a total of $120,000 in compensation for the emotional distress they suffered after the MUA named them in "scab posters" that had them fearing for their safety.

Following orders no excuse for HR managers who took adverse action

The Federal Circuit Court has fined construction company Baulderstone $25,000 for taking adverse action against a worker who resigned his CFMEU membership, along with $7000 in penalties for two HR managers who were carrying out orders and failed to "exercise their choice" to refuse to comply.

We're not organising Hutchison picket: MUA

The MUA has denied it is orchestrating picket lines outside Hutchinson's Port Botany and Brisbane container terminals after the FWC issued an updated anti-strike order prohibiting it from organising further protests.

TWU seeks sole union reference in Star Track agreement

The TWU's NSW branch and Star Track Express have been wrangling in the Fair Work Commission over a protected action ballot order which the company says is about a "turf war" bid to cut out the CEPU and deprive its members of benefits under a new enterprise deal.

Gorgon workers pushing for roster changes, as State FIFO inquiries canvass regulation

Workers on the Gorgon LNG project will begin voting on Wednesday on whether to take industrial action to push head contractor CB&I to offer shorter roster cycles, at the same time as parliamentary inquiries in WA and Queensland have weighed-up whether new regulations are needed for non-residential workforces.