Registered organisations page 196 of 231

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Bench rejects ResMed bid to block AMWU

In the latest stage of the AMWU's long battle to organise workers at high-tech manufacturer ResMed, an FWC full bench has consented to the union changing its rules to extend coverage to non-management employees at the company's Sydney headquarters.

Redeployees must be given "meaningful work": Tribunal

The FWC has ruled that a company's enterprise agreement obliges it provide "meaningful work" to redeployees and operates as an exception to the general rule that there is no common law right to be provided with work.

Heydon stops short of pushing for CFMEU's deregistration

The Heydon Royal Commission has recommended that the Turnbull Government introduce special legislation to disqualify officers of the CFMEU who are deemed by Parliament to be not to be fit and proper persons, while stopping short of recommending the union's deregistration.

HSU's Jackson fails to overturn repayment order

Former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson has today failed in her attempt to appeal a Federal Court decision for her to repay about $1.4 million to her old union.

FWC upholds ATO's sacking of manager who failed to lodge tax returns

The ATO's sacking of a debt collection manager with almost 30-years' service has been upheld by the FWC after it found her failure to lodge personal tax returns over four consecutive years amounted to serious misconduct that warranted dismissal.