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Lay criminal charges against CFMEU's Ravbar & Hanna: Stoljar

The CFMEU says it will seek a police investigation into the "leaking" of Heydon Royal Commission submissions that recommend that criminal charges be laid against the secretary and former president of its construction and general division's Queensland branch over the destruction of documents.

Cleanevent says AWU didn't want a record of cosy deal

The AWU did not want a trade-off for lower wages for cleaners being mentioned in the same document that dealt with employer payment of union memberships, the Heydon Royal Commission has heard.

FWC's Lawler covertly recorded conversations with president

FWC Vice President Michael Lawler has used a secretly-recorded phone conversation with tribunal president Iain Ross to challenge his claim that he never said the besieged member had an unlimited entitlement to sick leave.

Bench rejects FWBC challenge to CFMEU leader's entry permit

An FWC full bench has upheld a decision to grant an entry permit to CFMEU construction and general division Queensland branch secretary Michael Ravbar, and dismissed the FWBC’s arguments that he was vicariously liable for the behaviour of other union officials as "riddled with unsubstantiated hyperbole".

Payment to union seemingly "deliberately falsified"

The documentation for a $300,000 payment by the builder of Melbourne's EastLink toll road to the AWU appears to have been "deliberately falsified", the Heydon Royal Commission heard today.

McCallum pushes for members-only collective deals

"Members only" collective agreements should be introduced and it should be left to employers to decide whether to provide the same wages and conditions to non-members, according to Sydney University's Ron McCallum.

CFMEU's Parker back in Heydon's sights

The Heydon Royal Commission will examine whether CFMEU construction and general division NSW branch secretary Brian Parker received secret commissions or benefits from construction companies or subcontractors, counsel assisting told a hearing this morning.

Shift focus away from labour productivity, says ACTU

At the National Reform Summit in Canberra today, the ACTU will urge the Turnbull Government to adopt measures to boost multifactor and capital productivity, arguing that labour productivity has been growing and "is not the problem".