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"Thuggery": $60,000 penalty for "blatant single breach"

The Federal Circuit Court has imposed almost $60,000 in penalties for a "blatant single breach" of the Fair Work Act in which a CFMEU official discarded workers' food from a lunch shed, padlocked the door and said the facility was for union members only.

Unions call for "Buffett tax"

The ACTU's executive has endorsed a tax policy that calls for a so-called "Buffett rule" to ensure that high-income earners pay a minimum rate of tax.

Commission stamps out postie's unfair dismissal claim; & more

Commission stamps out postie's unfair dismissal claim; Commission swoops on decision to sack decorated former army pilot; Compensation icing on cake for employee sacked over Facebook comments; Property manager unfairly sacked for speaking out about workload.

Bargaining not undermined despite employer's "sharp practice"

Notices to employees that allegedly misrepresented union support for a proposed enterprise agreement that had the "potential to mislead" and could be characterised as "unfair" did not undermine the collective bargaining process, a FWC full bench has ruled.

CPSU to hit airports during pre-Easter rush

Border Force and immigration employees will walk off the job for 24 hours on the eve of Easter and might then maintain rolling stoppages across the holiday period, as the CPSU seeks to pressure the federal government to ease restrictions in its bargaining policy in the wake of Defence employees voting down a proposed deal.

Media union seeks broader support base

The MEAA's federal council has approved a rule change to create a new low-cost "associate membership" category that will enable members of the public to support its campaigns.

Full steam ahead for MUA-CFMEU merger

The MUA’s national conference has late today endorsed a merger with the CFMEU, opening the way for the plan to be put to a plebiscite of maritime union members.