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Coalition to make "corrupting benefits" unlawful

A second-term Turnbull Government will adopt the "overwhelming majority" of the Heydon Royal Commission's recommendations, including outlawing "corrupting benefits" such as those involved in the AWU-Cleanevent deal and giving courts the power to disqualify repeat-offender union officials, Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said today.

School's $150,000 fine for blocking union access, forging contracts

An independent Islamic school that hired more fixed-term teachers than permitted under the award and then tried to cover it up has been fined $150,000 by the Federal Court for unlawful practices, in one of the largest penalty decisions handed down against a school

Errant employer commits to rectifying $2m in underpayments

The FWO has secured its largest back-payment, after making an enforceable undertaking with a Victorian-based mining services company that requires it to reimburse $2 million to 205 underpaid workers and provide IR training to all managers with HR and payroll responsibilities.

Unions seek BOOT for Comcare entry

Unions are pushing for the introduction of a threshold "better off overall test" for employers that are seeking to join the national Comcare workers' compensation scheme.

Long queue of objectors to Korean Workers Union

An application to register a new union for Korean workers and workers employed by Korean businesses will be heard by the FWC later this month, but it faces stiff opposition after the Commission received up to 12 objections.

"P-ssed off" worker pays for "go-slow"

The FWC has found a BHP Billiton subsidiary is entitled to dock the wages of a haul truck driver who took part in an unofficial "go-slow" over stalled enterprise bargaining negotiations when he claimed he was driving gently to avoid raising dust.

Court orders time-out at Games venue

The Federal Court has issued an interim injunction that restricts the CFMEU to convening no more than one union meeting a week for building workers engaged by subcontractors on a Commonwealth Games construction project on Queensland's Gold Coast.

No logo: Employer can stop delegates wearing union shirts

The FWC has backed aluminium giant Alcoa's right under its new uniform policy to bar two employees at its WA alumina mines who are also AWU delegates from wearing shirts that bear the union's logo in the workplace.