Registered organisations page 177 of 221

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Unions change structures to foster community power base

The NUW and MEAA are among the first unions to change their rules to accept no or low-fee community and associate members since the ACTU's call to transform their membership models by adopting "radical thinking".

Shorten buckets CFMEU's Setka over comments to mass meeting

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has today criticised CFMEU construction and general division Victorian branch leader John Setka for reportedly comparing the Coalition's "attack" on the union and its members to that of Hitler's Germany, after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called on the Labor leader to "publicly disown" the union secretary.

FWC rejects bullying case against energy company chief executive

The FWC has rejected bullying allegations against Essential Energy's chief executive officer, but has ordered the company to accept voluntary redundancy applications from two employees who brought the anti-bullying claim because the cost of keeping them on the books when there is no meaningful work is "irrational, absurd and ridiculous".

FWC to terminate industrial action at Essential Energy

The FWC is finalising an order to terminate the ETU's industrial action at Essential Energy after it found the planned 80-hour strike would endanger the life, the personal safety or health of the population.