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Social warfare intensifies CUB dispute

Union members are targeting official Carlton & United Breweries' Facebook pages with a series of critical posts as part of an ongoing campaign over the sacking of maintenance workers at CUB's main Victorian brewery.

Public school teachers call for pay equity

The QTU says a "trailblazing" deal that lifts Queensland's Catholic school teachers' top pay rate above $100,000 is the new benchmark in negotiations for government school teachers, who are now voting on whether to take industrial action.

FWC clarifies union officials' right of entry

Right of entry permit holders can't hold discussions with employees in the workplace before or after work because it creates "uncertainty" around employee and employers' rights and obligations and increased the likelihood of disputes, the FWC has found.

CFMEU branch secures "unsustainable" pay rises

Master Builders Association Victoria and the CFMEU's state branch have squared off following union claims that more than 100 employers have signed three-year pattern agreements, pre-empting the proposed new national construction code.

$60,000 fine for pay-docking protest

The Federal Court has imposed a $61,000 fine on the CFMEU, senior official Joe McDonald and workers at a Perth construction site after a walkout to protest being docked four hours' pay for starting work less than 30 minutes late after a union meeting.

$53,000 penalty for CFMEU's "conspicuous" civil disobedience

A court has today fined the CFMEU's construction and general division and three organisers more than $50,000 for their "conspicuous public display of civil disobedience" when they orchestrated an unlawful walk out at a $105 million development project in support of a sacked delegate.

Unions hugely influential in swing to Labor: Mackerras

The union movement's targeted marginal seats campaign played an "absolutely critical" role in generating a dramatic swing to the Labor Party in Saturday's federal election, according to renowned political analyst Malcolm Mackerras.

"Smash someone" threat earns entry permit suspension

The FWC has suspended the entry permit of a CFMEU official who behaved in an "aggressive and threatening manner" when he told a project manager at a construction site he wanted to "smash" someone.

FWC acts on Heydon CFMEU referral

The Fair Work Commission's general manager has launched an inquiry into the actions of former leaders of the CFMEU construction and general division's NSW branch, after the Heydon Royal Commission referred the matter to the tribunal.