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Rank-and-filer challenging Crumlin for MUA leadership

Long-serving MUA national secretary Paddy Crumlin is facing a rank-and-file challenger in the union's quadrennial elections, which will also have contested polls for State leadership positions in Queensland and Victoria.

"Offensive" if work undervaluation not addressed: ACTU

The ACTU says it would be "offensive" not to heed new Fair Work Act gender equality and secure work objectives that significantly boost the case for a bigger lift to the minimum wage and award rates given the over-representation of award-reliant women in low-paid, insecure jobs.

CFMMEU demerger to go to vote next month

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has today won FWC approval to put its demerger proposal to a ballot of its 21,000 members.

Union stalwart has historic win in federal by-election

Former long-serving union organiser and ACTU manager Mary Doyle has achieved a historic victory in yesterday's by-election for the federal seat of Aston on Melbourne's eastern fringe.

AEC pursuing CFMMEU over anti-Kearney posters

The Australian Electoral Commission is prosecuting the CFMMEU over posters that criticised sitting Federal Labor MP and former ACTU president Ged Kearney in the lead-up to last year's Federal election.

Unions to seek 7% minimum rate rise

The ACTU will seek a 7% increase in this year's minimum wage review, pitching it just above the latest 6.8% rise in the CPI.

Menulog backs broad gig worker regulation

Menulog has followed the lead of DoorDash and Uber in signing a charter with the TWU supporting federally legislated minimum rights and a disputes mechanism for gig delivery workers, but now also supports the new Minns NSW Labor Government's ambition to introduce state-based legislation.

Surveyors say CFMMEU pressing them to sign up

Professional associations representing Victoria's surveyors have joined forces to push back against the CFMMEU's construction division allegedly applying unlawful pressure on their members to join the union, hindering work on major projects.

CPSU yet to embrace proposed Auntie deal

The CPSU says it will not endorse an ABC deal agreed in-principle with the MEAA, because although it offers an 11% raise over three years, a $1500 bonus and boosts career progression, a new annualised salary scheme has "absolutely no safety net".