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FWC grants MSD ballot to Coles meatworkers

The AMIEU is urging more than 2000 Coles meatworkers to vote in favour of bargaining for a dedicated national agreement for the retailer's meat department, warning that if they fail to strike a deal they are "open to further attack by the SDA" and will be unable to achieve reasonable pay rises.

Construction cop drops part of case against CFMEU's Parker

The FWBC has dropped a substantial part of its case against NSW CFMEU leaders it is accusing of unlawfully entering a $65 million construction project based on "unfounded immigration and superannuation concerns".

Court finds "informal chat" an entry breach

CFMEU officials acted improperly when they entered a construction site under the guise of just "catching up" to have an informal "chat" with employees during their lunch breaks, a court has found.

Lawler takes Cash to Federal Court; and more

Lawler takes on Cash; Perpetrators not entitled to domestic violence leave, says ACTU; PC floats new approach to allocating default super funds; and FWC president refuses to re-open crucial labour hire ruling.

FWC member took too much account of CFMEU's sins

An FWC full bench majority has overruled a presidential member's refusal to issue an entry permit to a CFMEU organiser, saying he set a "higher bar" than usual because of the union's adverse track record.

Bench lambasts bargaining parties over "selective" communications

An FWC full bench has taken a swipe at WA universities over actions that might have "substantially invited" a failed NTEU appeal, while the union says the employer's latest court action is seeking to hold its divisional secretary and an industrial officer personally liable for allegedly false or misleading bargaining campaign materials.

HSU's Jackson bailed, gives up passport

Former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson has given up her passport and must continue to reside in her Wombarra home near Sydney after appearing today in Melbourne Magistrates' Court.