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ABCC wins on individual fines, fails in adverse action case

The Federal Court has today imposed $1,300 individual fines on more than 50 construction workers who took unprotected industrial action to attend a rally at Perth's children's hospital project in 2013, while it has thrown out an ABCC adverse action case against the CFMEU construction and general division's ACT branch and officials.

ETU asks APSC's Lloyd to rein-in ACCC chief

The ETU has referred ACCC chair Rod Sims to the public service watchdog, claiming he breached his duty to remain impartial when he publicly backed former WA premier Colin Barnett's plans to privatise the state's electricity supplier in the lead-up to this month's election.

Owner-drivers hail new transport industry rates determination

NSW owner-drivers and contractors have lauded the finalisation of new transport industry rates and conditions after the NSWIRC approved the updating and geographical expansion of 'contracts of carriage' that had not been reviewed in more than 30 years.

Labour movement leaders clash on rule of law

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has upbraided new ACTU leader Sally McManus for expressing her support for key affiliate the CFMEU's flouting of "unjust" IR laws.

New ACTU leader to push for major overhaul of IR laws

Newly-elected ACTU secretary, Sally McManus, has blasted "corporate greed" and pledged to win major changes to workplace laws, which will include pushing for stronger action from future Labor governments.

NUW frustrated in bid to cross-examine former leader

The NUW has today asked its former NSW leader Derrick Belan about evidence he gave to the Heydon Royal Commission, as it defends his brother Nick's unfair dismissal claim in the FWC.

Full court allows discussions in dragline's crib room

A full Federal Court has upheld the CFMEU's right to hold discussions in the crib room of a coal mine dragline, after rejecting BHP Coal's bid for a narrow interpretation of the Fair Work Act.