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$1000 hit for refusing service to union member

A tribunal has awarded an actor and MEAA member $1,000 compensation for discrimination by a cinema that refused to sell her a movie ticket because she belonged to the union.

Cash imposes sanction on Hutchinson, as CFMEU refuses to change deals

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has imposed the first-ever sanction under the national construction code against a builder, temporarily prohibiting J Hutchinson Pty Ltd from securing federal contracts, while the CFMEU has hardened its position against re-opening deals to make them compliant with the latest changes to the 2016 code.

Bench hits CFMEU with twelve-fold penalty increase for blockade

A full Federal Court majority has found that the court cannot treat a "lawful request" or a party's motivation for taking coercive industrial action as a mitigating factor when assessing penalties and has ordered a twelve-fold increase in fines against the CFMEU for organising a blockade at Perth International Airport in 2013.

I will not keep my head down: ACTU's McManus

New ACTU secretary Sally McManus has defended her support for unionists to break "unjust laws", arguing the ability to strike is a "human right" and that Australia is out of step with international labour conventions.

ACTU seeks 6.7% minimum wage rise

The ACTU is asking the FWC for a $45 a week or 6.7% increase in the national minimum wage, as it begins a push under its fresh leadership to lift minimum rates towards a new benchmark against average weekly earnings.

Bench rejects union's adverse action case against BHP Coal

A full Federal Court has upheld a procedural decision to strike out an amended statement of claim in dismissing CFMEU's appeal alleging BHP Coal took adverse action against miners when it engaged a contractor with a cheaper workforce.

ACTU "muscling-up" under McManus

New ACTU secretary Sally McManus is making senior campaign and legal appointments as she seeks to build the organisation's capacity.

Ross refuses to refer agreement termination "test case" to bench

FWC President Iain Ross has refused the NTEU's bid for a full bench to hear Murdoch University's request to terminate its enterprise agreement, which the union claims is a "test case" that will affect up to 20,000 Western Australian higher education employees.