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New reporting requirements take effect

Requirements for bargaining representatives from this week to disclose financial benefits stemming from enterprise agreements before workers vote on them will make it easier to track the revenue the deals generate for unions, employers say.

Low wages linked to declining industrial action: Research

The "near disappearance" of industrial action over recent decades is strongly correlated with the "deceleration" of wages growth, according to the new analysis released by the Centre for Future Work just days after the FWC halted the planned Sydney train strike.

No leave accrual during lockout, says FWC

In a landmark ruling, the FWC has held that Carter Holt Harvey employees did not accrue annual or long service leave during a 74-day lockout last year.

Unions vie for territory in Amazon's digital space

The NUW plans to mount a concerted push to unionise Amazon's new warehouse operations in Australia, but may face competition from the SDA for members at the online retail giant.

RAFFWU urges rebuff for Coles deal as Woolies finally starts bargaining

RAFFWU says it will encourage members to vote against a new Coles deal in part because it fails to allay concerns that it will create a two-tiered wage system, while in a claim ahead of Woolworths bargaining it is seeking to make up the difference that would have been earned under the award since 2012.

Missed bargaining meetings key to scope case for remote workers

A geographically-distinct union has been granted scope orders for cleaners at a remote detention centre after the FWC determined the costs involved for bargaining representatives to attend distant meetings were prohibitive.

Union pursued over "coercive" campaign material

The Federal Court will consider whether a series of NTEU social media posts, campaign materials and protests constitute "coercive acts" that are disproportionate to any legitimate interests the union might have had in wanting to stop Murdoch University from terminating its 2014 agreement.

AWU denied documents that could identify AFP raid whistleblower

The Federal Court has accepted that "future whistleblowers" might be deterred if it releases all Registered Organisations Commission documents relating to last year's raids on the AWU by the Australian Federal Police.

ASU to fight hot desking push

The ASU is appealing a finding that the ATO can require employees to 'hot desk' regardless of whether they perform field work, the union arguing it wouldn't have endorsed the 2017 agreement if it had been made aware of the agency's intention.