Registered organisations page 126 of 222

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Union resists watchdog's bid to capture the flag

The CFMEU has threatened legal action against a building company if it acts on the construction watchdog's warning not to display the Eureka flag, with the union alleging it breaches freedom of association.

Uber wants less red tape, more "social protection" for drivers

Uber says legal distinctions between employees and independent contractors are discouraging it from offering training and "other perks and benefits" to drivers, while emphasising the company's intent to work with policymakers to provide "new models of social protection".

ABCC escapes costs for bungled targeting of CFMEU leader

The Federal Court has accepted that the ABCC made a "genuine mistake" when it pursued CFMEU national secretary Michael O'Connor for his alleged involvement in a blockade at Sydney's Barangaroo project.

FWC rejects childcare equal pay claim

An FWC full bench has today thrown out a United Voice and AEU equal pay claim for childcare workers after finding a 2005 work value case was insufficient, in the absence of contemporary evidence, to establish metalworkers as an appropriate comparator.

Another fiery picket to come under FWO microscope

The FWO has again taken a bead on union behaviour, confirming today that it is investigating industrial action at the Oaky North mine in Queensland, where about 190 workers remain locked out after more than 200 days.

Decision awaited on CFMEU-MUA-TCFU merger

The Fair Work Commission has today reserved its decision on whether to approve the merger of the CFMEU, MUA and TCFU, with employer groups arguing that proceedings seeking to recover fines and penalties should be taken into account.

Pilots' union membership pitch could cover "any person, anywhere": Qantas

As the Australian Federation of Air Pilots seeks talks with objectors to its membership rule change bid before heading to the FWC in a fortnight, Qantas has labelled it "so broad" that it could extend to "any person anywhere", including pilots based outside Australia or employed by foreign entities.