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Union fails to head off sick organiser's adverse action case

The WA branch of the TWU has failed to strike out a former organiser's adverse action claim in which she alleges the union sacked her six months into her employment for taking sick leave and personal carer's leave to look after her elderly father.

Defective paperwork no barrier to entry in safety matters: Bench

A full Federal Court has overturned a workplace safety finding that permit-holding union officials were rightly denied site access for neglecting to include their middle names on an entry notice, reinforcing that flawless paperwork comes a distant second to protection of workers.

Same people, different t-shirt, unions tell employers opposing merger

The CFMMEU has today challenged employer groups' standing to appeal the approval of its merger, arguing they are not sufficiently affected as they will be dealing with the same officials doing the same work to the same standards, only wearing different t-shirts.

Unions seeking wage theft laws in Victoria

Victorian unions will push the Andrews Labor Government to make deliberate and dishonest "wage theft" a criminal offence if it wins the state election in November, while they will also be pursuing industrial manslaughter laws.

United Voice cleans up with property sale

United Voice has substantially boosted its coffers by selling a fully-leased office building in Sydney's Haymarket for almost $146 million.

Dispute exposes tear in super-merger's fabric

An entry dispute at a Queensland textile plant has exposed subterranean tensions during the merger of the CFMEU, TCFU and MUA, raising concerns about possible internal coverage disputes in future.

Union, employer combine to thwart MUA coverage pitch

The MUA has failed in an attempt to extend its coverage to certain truck drivers working at the Patrick Stevedores terminal at Port Botany, after opposition from both the TWU and the employer, the Qube logistics group.