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IR landscape "too aggressive", says union leader

The union at the centre of AFP raids conducted on behalf of the Registered Organisations Commission has today warned business leaders that they risk creating a more disruptive and "brutal" IR future for Australia if they continue to employ "hyper-aggressive" strategies aimed at eviscerating organised labour.

ACTU withdraws to sidelines as unions quarrel over rule change

The fate of a hotly-contested Australian Federation of Air Pilots membership rule change bid is up in the air as the FWC considers whether a sufficient majority of the union's council members voted for it, while the ACTU has withdrawn its own objections after the tribunal questioned its standing.

Ballot open on new Aerocare deal as unions cry foul

Aerocare's 2500 workers today began voting on a new offer by the aviation ground-handler that seeks to cut through a thicket of litigation and hurdle strong opposition from the TWU and ASU.

RSRT revival not assured under Labor's evolving IR policy

The Federal Labor Opposition has confirmed it is at odds with key industry bodies in accepting the link between truck drivers' pay and conditions and road safety, but stopped short of committing to re-establishing the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT).

Ditch dodgy banks, ACTU urges industry super funds

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has called for the $590 billion industry superannuation fund sector to reconsider their commercial relationships with "dodgy banks" named at the Hayne Royal Commission into the finance sector.

Equal pay case's time is now: FWC

The FWC has refused to grant engineering employers more time to comply with production orders in the IEU's equal pay claim on behalf of early childhood teachers, finding neither provided a "proper basis" despite one having a director off work due to complications arising from cancer surgery.

No delay for damages case "shadowed" by union merger appeal

The Victorian Supreme Court has rejected an application by the CFMMEU to delay civil damages proceedings brought by the operator of Port of Melbourne's new "robo" terminal until its merger with the MUA and TCFU is bedded down.

Unregistered union defends status in opposing award changes

The Retail and Fast Food Workers Union says it will not be pressured into applying for registration until it is ready, as the Australian Industry Group seeks to constrain its challenge to a proposed relaxation of part-time provisions in the four-yearly review of the Fast Food Industry Award.

Notification glitch stymies industrial action

The FWC has ordered the ANMF and United Voice to call off planned industrial action at a patient transport provider, finding their failure to provide greater clarity when notifying the action than they did when applying for the ballot left the employer unable to respond or prepare.