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United front peters out as BoM deal voted up

The CPSU has expressed dismay after Bureau of Meteorology workers voted by a knife's edge to accept management's latest offer for a new agreement despite union opposition.

FWC blows cover of union's "concerned citizen"

The FWC has slammed the door on a union's persistent efforts to get around coverage issues by installing an "independent" bargaining representative to conduct negotiations on behalf of Linfox tanker drivers, finding it "fanciful" to suggest he was simply acting in a private capacity.

Bench rejects small company's broad-coverage agreement

A five-member FWC full bench has quashed the approval of a small construction company's enterprise agreement, after CFMMEU modelling suggested it left workers up to $575 a week worse off than the award, but the Commission has cited the types of undertakings that might get it across the line.

All change at the top for NTEU

The NTEU's newly-elected national secretary Matthew McGowan and president Alison Barnes are calling on members to make their team complete by electing current WA secretary Gabe Gooding to the national assistant secretary position.

FSU leader repels challenger as president falls

Incumbent FSU national secretary Julia Angrisano has claimed victory in her first election since former leader Fiona Jordan was ousted in a public brawl with the executive, while Bank SA senior account executive and fellow ticket member Johanna Tran has toppled current president Louise Arnfield.

Court orders first personal fine against a union official

A full Federal Court has today ushered in a new age in which union officials are held personally liable for breaching IR laws, ordering a CFMMEU organiser to pay almost $20,000 from his own pocket for his role in disrupting work at a construction site in 2013.

Bench rejects challenge to CFMEU-MUA-TCFU merger

Employer groups are considering a High Court challenge to the rejection by an FWC full bench of their bid to reverse the amalgamation of the CFMEU, MUA and TCFU.

Green light to contest labour hire "blacklisting"

Union activists allegedly "blacklisted" by a labour hire company and a host employer have been cleared by a tribunal to proceed with a test case under Victoria's equal opportunity laws.

Former union secretary fined for overpaying himself

The Federal Court has fined a former Flight Attendants' Association international division secretary $2000 for failing to submit six years of the union's budgets and overpaying himself $16,000 in 2011, taking into account his cooperation and "genuine belief" he was entitled to the sum.