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Employer made wrong call in blocking safety inspection: Court

A court has roasted a construction contractor for the "deficient evidence" it relied on for its "complete denial" that it breached entry laws when it blocked CFMMEU officials from inspecting a suspected safety flaw they identified after entering a site to examine another possible contravention.

Unions don't need to telegraph strike plans: FWC

Failing to alert an employer to strike plans does not amount to a failure to genuinely try to reach an agreement, the FWC has ruled in rejecting a company's bid to block a protected action ballot.

Offshore gas strike threat recedes after Woodside peace deal

Woodside has narrowly averted impending industrial action at its North West Shelf gas platforms after reaching an in-principle deal endorsed by Offshore Alliance and ETU members this morning, while protected action ballots at Chevron are set to close today.

FSU wins $3 million for CommBank's tea break "fiasco"

The FSU says Commonwealth Bank retail workers forced to work through their 10-minute tea breaks for the past six years will be compensated, after it won a $3 million settlement of its $45 million Federal Court claim.

Meat union weighing merger with AMWU

The meatworkers union has confirmed it is in tentative talks with the AMWU about a potential merger to boost member representation and provide "a larger voice".

Fels to run ACTU "price gouging" inquiry

The ACTU has ramped up the prosecution of its case that profits rather than wages are fuelling inflation, securing former ACCC chair Alan Fels to conduct a public inquiry into "price gouging" and unfair pricing practices.

$44K payout after reasonable adjustments failure

A heavy vehicle diesel mechanic who suffered a non-work-related wrist injury has won $44,000 in damages after his employer failed to offer reasonable adjustments and made "clumsy" and "ill-informed" attempts to re-engage him while awaiting "full clearance".

AWU membership up, but CFMMEU's down as union splits

After years of battles with the organisations regulator over inaccurate membership records, the AWU has increased its supporter base by 1.5% in the latest reporting period, while the warring CFMMEU has shed 9,000 or 6% of its members in the last two reporting years.