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Iraqi consulate took unlawful adverse action: Court

Iraq's Sydney consulate took unlawful adverse action when it refused to renew the contracts of two locally-engaged interpreters who complained to the FWC about bullying and enquired with the FWO about non-payment of entitlements, a court has found.

CPSU pushes for action in Federal Parliament

CPSU members working in Parliament House have signed an open letter demanding workplace change, arguing the Morrison Government has failed to ensure their workplace is safe.

FWC directs Woolies to shift bullied worker to fresh role

Woolworths has a week to respond to draft orders requiring it to relocate a bullied night filler to its online team, after the FWC factored in her own disrespectful behaviour in finding some risk she will be bullied in the future.

Former CEO urges court to fine HR head

The former acting chief executive of a Northern Territory regional council who accused a manager of upwards bullying and allegedly covertly recorded meetings has hit back at the ASU's adverse action claim, suggesting penalties should instead be levelled against the HR boss.

University retaliated after bullying complaints: Professor

A Canadian academic who claims she was ambushed and threatened with losing her position after making bullying complaints is accusing Curtin University of retaliating by undertaking an unnecessary restructure and a sham redundancy.

Employsure preying on "unsuspecting clients": Advisor

A former Employsure client experience specialist who claims his colleagues bullied him over his criminal past is accusing the employment advisor of "unscrupulous" and misleading sales tactics in an adverse action case seeking compensation for reputational and financial loss.

Lawyer tried to "milk a penalty" in recusal hearing: Boyce

In a decision meticulously examining notions of bias, a FWC presidential member has declined to recuse himself at the same time as taking a swing at a lawyer arguing he breached a "golden rule" by privately communicating with a party seeking anti-bullying orders.

Sams slams law graduate in full-throated FWC sign-off

A retiring presidential FWC member has used his final ruling to deliver a withering character assessment of a law graduate and question the benefit of GPs providing mental health appraisals in cases alleging bullying.

Worker "put the knife" into HR manager: Tribunal

The FWC has rejected a long-serving worker's portrayal of herself as a "victim" of powerful HR forces, finding her displeasure at being asked to account for money raised for a deceased colleague's family led her into serious misconduct.