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Minister resigns after bullying inquiry findings

Victorian Small Business Minister Adem Somyurek has resigned after an inquiry into bullying allegations against him found that he had made inappropriate physical contact with his chief of staff and been verbally aggressive to her and another staffer.

DP World wins bid to keep bullying investigation confidential

A stevedoring giant that guaranteed confidentiality to employees participating in a workplace conduct investigation has won an FWC order restricting publication of their names and complaint details, as it continues to defend a groundbreaking bullying case.

Unfit meeting room didn't justify abusing ER specialists: Judge

An employer's insistence that a union organiser conduct meetings with members at a remote construction site in a non-airconditioned shipping container that reached temperatures of 50 degrees celsius did not excuse his abusive response, the Federal Court has ruled.

FWC sin-bins "bullying" CFMEU official

The FWC has banned a CFMEU official from holding an entry permit for 19 months over his "serious and ugly" behaviour towards an FWBC inspector on a building site last year that was captured on video and played to the Heydon Royal Commission.

"Bullying" was reasonable management action, says FWC

The Fair Work Commission has rejected a long-serving employee's bullying claim, after accepting that her employer took reasonable management action when it performance-managed her after she resisted changes to workplace practices.

No anti-bullying order after employer reforms behaviour

The FWC has declined to make an order against a radiology company found to have bullied an employee, saying its recent "careful attention to procedural fairness" made it unlikely its conduct would continue.

FWC warns FSU not to share bullying complaint with national executive

The FSU's national executive "intervened" to stymie national secretary Fiona Jordan's plan to engage an external investigator to examine a senior industrial officer's bullying complaint against assistant national secretary Geoff Derrick, a FWC decision has revealed.