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FWC finds teacher bullied by principal

A Catholic school principal bullied a teacher when she misinformed her about the status of her long service leave request, directed her to participate in an induction for "new staff" after her return from leave and assigned her a mentor with less teaching experience, the FWC has found.

FWC rejects bullying case against energy company chief executive

The FWC has rejected bullying allegations against Essential Energy's chief executive officer, but has ordered the company to accept voluntary redundancy applications from two employees who brought the anti-bullying claim because the cost of keeping them on the books when there is no meaningful work is "irrational, absurd and ridiculous".

Qantas worker seeking anti-bullying order; and more

Qantas flight attendant seeks anti-bullying order; Federal Court grants Cash bid for Queensland Nickel special purpose liquidator; and 150-minute ballot gets FWC thumbs-up.

FWC accepts six-minutes-late dismissal claim; & more

FWC accepts six-minutes-late dismissal claim; Creative crane driver fails to win job back; FWC member showed no real or apparent bias, says bench; and Tribunal douses smoker's bid to win job back.

No "future risk" of bullying for dismissed worker

The FWC has rejected a marketing director's anti-bullying claim, finding her "election" to be "treated as being dismissed" in 2012 and her pursuit of an unfair dismissal claim, meant she was no longer an employee at risk of future bullying.

Health agencies need anti-bullying strategy: Auditor-General

The Victorian Auditor-General's damning audit report on the state health sector's response to bullying and harassment has found its agencies lack even the "fundamental, underpinning foundations of effective policies and procedures" to tackle the issue.

FSU leader's case against union returns to FWC

Proceedings brought by FSU national secretary Fiona Jordan against her union have returned to the Fair Work Commission, as an internal power struggle continues.