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Happy ending for worker sacked over JK Rowling book

The FWC has expressed "surprise" at the HR practices of a major courier company that dismissed a depot manager who was partially responsible for a breach of a worldwide embargo on a new JK Rowling book and was the subject of unfounded bullying allegations.

Tribunal rejects restraint bid in bullying case

The FWC has refused to take the "extraordinary step" of temporarily restraining an employer from appointing an employee to fill the role of an allegedly bullied worker.

Sacking after complaint not unlawful adverse action

An employer has convinced a court that it did not take unlawful adverse action when its HR manager decided to dismiss an employee who had lodged a bullying and harassment complaint.

In-house HR help renders legal assistance unfair

A self-represented worker who is pursuing a bullying claim in the FWC would be placed at "further disadvantage" if her employer and two managers already being assisted by in-house HR specialists won the right to legal representation, the tribunal has ruled.

Employer avoids bullying orders with pre-emptive role change

The FWC has declined to issue anti-bullying orders despite finding the allegations proved, reasoning that the employer had sufficiently reduced the risk of further incidents by changing the antagonist's job to ensure minimal contact between the parties.

FWC's anti-bullying order to buttress "ineffectual" court order

The FWC has issued an interim anti-bullying order restraining the co-owner of a tyre business and his employee nephew from communicating with or being within 10 metres of each other, noting that a separate court order for the nephew not to commit "family violence" against his uncle had done little to improve a combative workplace atmosphere.

HR bosses engage lawyers in academic bullying case

A university and its HR department embroiled in accusations of bullying between law school academics have been granted the right to engage lawyers to defend the claims.

Tribunal refuses "Rolls Royce" costs claim

The FWC has refused an employer's application to recoup its costs of defending an unfair dismissal claiming, noting the employer incurred its "unreasonable" $10,000-plus bill because its chose a law firm that provided a "Rolls Royce service".