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Scrap dismissal compensation cap, "punish" errant employers: ACTU

Unions will next week consider pushing for stronger remedies for unfair dismissal by adopting measures such as removing the $73,000 compensation limit, enabling employees to pursue more than their lost income and empowering them to seek penalties against employers.

"Blurred" worker-employer relationship sinks anti-bullying order

A sales manager has lost her bid for an anti-bullying order after the FWC found blurred employee/friend lines helped explain a managing director's otherwise inappropriate comments about her boyfriend and supposed "Barbie doll" appearance.

Self-represented CEO highlights futility of own case

The pitfalls of self-representation have been highlighted by an FWC full bench that found it would be "futile" to hear a former chief executive's anti-bullying case because his notice of appeal "expressly" indicated he was seeking an unnecessary order.

FWC member stands herself down over perceived bias

In a rare case of an FWC member standing themselves down, a commissioner has found that comments she made about the "vexatious" applicants in a discontinued anti-bullying case could lead observers to question her impartiality when considering a counter anti-bullying application by the original respondent.

Efforts to improve "diligent" employee's performance not bullying: FWC

A one-time star employee's anti-bullying application has been rejected despite acknowledgment of his "devastation" at being placed on successive performance improvement plans he believed resulted from unfair interpretations of his position description.

No joy for chief executive "bullied" over bullying investigation

A major medical practice's former chief executive has had his application for a bullying order against two doctor-directors thrown out by the FWC, which observed that "short of storming the barricades" he had no prospect of ever meeting the threshold requirement of returning to his job.

FWC puts stop to bullying application, saying "mud sticks"

A senior FWC member has refused to stay a former Sydney Trains employee's stop bullying application while he pursues reinstatement through the courts, observing that mud would "stick" to his accused ex-colleagues as long as the matter went unresolved.

Ill wind blows no good for bullying complaint

A court has thrown out an aggrieved former employee's bullying case, finding he could not substantiate claims of a "complex conspiracy" that involved a flatulent supervisor.