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Lawyer's discrimination claim undermined by "inflammatory tone"

A lawyer accused of bullying has failed to convince the Federal Court that it should stop a law firm from potentially expelling her as a partner because it treated her less favourably than male colleagues, the court holding that conduct that included an "inflammatory" letter following the complaints set her circumstances apart.

Commission's bullying remit abused, warns Deputy President

A senior FWC member has lamented the continuing "abuse" of the Commission's stop bullying jurisdiction in refusing to shield a casino employee from the consequences of conduct that included repeatedly spitting into a bin.

Transfer to HR department was bullying, claims public servant

A public servant who claims her transfer to the HR department constituted bullying and retaliation for whistleblowing has failed to convince the FWC to issue interim orders removing the financial security authority's chief people officer as her supervisor and preventing disciplinary action.

Former manager doesn't qualify for whistleblowing protections: CBA

The Commonwealth Bank has denied bullying and retrenching a former general manager for revealing a scheme allowing colleagues to artificially boost bonuses, claiming also that his actions did not qualify for whistleblower protections and that he cannot pursue his claim under the terms of his deed of release.

Uni's HR director over-reacted in suspending me: Law School head

The head of La Trobe University's Law School has accused the institution's HR executive director of acting beyond her remit and taking disproportionate disciplinary action in breach of its agreement by suspending him following complaints by an IR academic and a law lecturer.

Leading IR academic accuses law school head of bullying

An IR academic and a law lecturer who accused the head of La Trobe University's Law School of bullying have failed to convince the Federal Court to suppress their names in his legal challenge to an investigation into their complaints, the judge finding their identities had already been revealed by an industry publication.

FWC throws out bullying claim against HR manager

The FWC has rejected a claim that a chemist operator's HR chief and two managers bullied a pharmacist by failing to roster enough support staff to assist him on Saturday shifts.

NSW Labor to expand IR territory if elected

NSW Labor has laid out its plan to beef up the State's OHS, anti-discrimination and anti-bullying jurisdiction, including by reviving the industrial court and extending access to private sector employees, if it wins Saturday's election.

FWC endorses sacking of harassing "alpha-male"

There is "no place for bawdy offensive alpha-male behaviour in the workplace", the FWC has found, in upholding the dismissal of a male worker for asking a female colleague for a kiss and telling another co-worker that he wanted to "f-ck" his sister.