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Dismissal by "mutual agreement" still a dismissal: Court

A court has found that a worker who was asked to look for alternative employment due to his heart condition was dismissed, rejecting his employer's argument that his job ended by "mutual agreement".

FWC allows multi-employee adverse action claims

In its first ruling on the issue, the Fair Work Commission has decided that unions can include multiple employees in a single general protections application.

Lawyer loses adverse action, bullying case

A court has found that a law firm acted quickly to investigate claims of harassment by one of its solicitors and was entitled to treat emails from her stating that the employment relationship had broken down as a resignation.

Court orders Xstrata to provide details of alleged adverse action

The Federal Court has ordered an Xstrata subsidiary to provide the CFMEU's mining division with documents that will enable it to decide whether to include the mining company in an adverse action claim by a delegate who was sidelined after raising safety concerns.

Myer proves dismissal not linked to workplace right or gender

A Myer sales manager who did not disclose an anxiety condition to his employer or make any plan to seek workers compensation has failed to argue that these were the real reasons for his dismissal, rather than concerns with his performance.

Court orders public prosecutions office to reinstate lawyer

Victoria's Office of Public Prosecutions has been ordered pay a $10,000 fine and to reinstate a solicitor it subjected to unlawful adverse action when it stood him down then dismissed him for misconduct that "arose wholly" from his anxiety and depression.

FWBC pursues Noonan over Perth hospital project

The FWBC has included CFMEU construction and general division national secretary Dave Noonan in its fourth prosecution over the $1.2 billion Perth Children's Hospital project.

Court warns coal giant that reinstatement means providing work

The Federal Court has temporarily reinstated a CFMEU delegate to his position at Anglo Coal's Dawson mine in Central Queensland pending the hearing of his adverse action claim, and warned the company that it will need to provide him with his usual work to comply with its order.

Formulaic response to unlawful action means sacking unfair

The need for employers to consider the individual circumstances of employees taking industrial action before they institute disciplinary action has been demonstrated in a FWC finding that a company unfairly dismissed a crane driver who belatedly joined an unlawful stop-work meeting.