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Employer pays for unexplained sacking after complaints

An employer must pay compensation to a store supervisor after its HR manager sacked her within her probationary period and insisted that she was not legally obliged to say why, with the Federal Circuit Court finding it was because she made numerous complaints about her employment.

Gina's mine tried to "dig up dirt" on me, claims sacked overseer

A supervisor at Gina Rinehart's Roy Hill iron ore mine claims the company sacked him for making complaints and inquiries about his employment, at one point allegedly interviewing a former colleague he'd accused of assaulting him in an attempt to "dig up dirt".

CEO wins payout for adverse action

The chief executive of a mortgage provider who lost his job after accusing it of misleading conduct and demanding a $900,000 payout has won $110,000 in damages, after the Federal Circuit Court found his failure to return to work provided a valid reason but that he was also sacked for exercising a workplace right.

"Younger cohort" treated favourably, claims HR/IR consultant

A veteran IR and HR consultant is suing the Victorian Hospitals Industrial Association for age discrimination, alleging it caused him to suffer a major depressive disorder and then discriminated against him because of his mental disability.

HR manager discriminated against depressed executive: Court

A multinational company has been ordered to pay $160,000 to a former executive sacked over concerns about his capacity to return to work, despite its HR manager's insistence it was "insulting" to suggest the employee's depression played any part in the decision.

Targets crushed me, claims Macquarie Bank advisor

A Macquarie Bank wealth advisor is accusing the company of making him redundant because of a deteriorating health condition it allegedly exacerbated by pressuring him to meet ever-increasing revenue targets.

My sacking not lawful: Guthrie

Former ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie has told a Senate inquiry that she had "no option" but to lodge an adverse action case with the FWC after the broadcaster's board failed to respond to her claims of editorial interference by the chair before sacking her.

Bullying director penalised $27,500 for sacking, underpayments

The ailing 86-year-old director of a newspaper publishing company has been ordered to pay $27,500 to a journalist he sacked seven years ago, a day after he refused to withdraw a complaint to the Fair Work Ombudsman over underpayments.